Farmers & Ranchers - Welcome to Clubhouse!

Farmers & Ranchers

Welcome to Clubhouse

January 27, 2020 at 9:00 am

Are you a farmer, rancher, gardener, homesteader or animal enthusiast? Welcome to Clubhouse! This room is set up to introduce, network, and create future collaborations in the western lifestyle!

If you are new to Clubhouse - this is the perfect room to join first! Why? Because host Katie Schrock (@ktschr0ck on Clubhouse) will be moderating this conversation to teach you the tips, tricks, and strategies of getting the most out of Clubhouse, and helping each member learn Clubhouse etiquette and how to use the different options on Clubhouse!


Please note that this questions are subject to change but are a tentative outline to help prepare room attendees of what to expect and what to prepare for!

  1. Introduce Yourself:
    Where are you from?
    How are you involved in agriculture or the western lifestyle?

  2. Clubhouse Tips & Tricks
    - Ping someone into the room
    - Searching keywords - the importance of your bio
    - Moderators vs. Speakers vs. People Speakers Follow vs. People in Room
    - How to invite your friends through the backdoor
    - Resetting a room

  3. Who are you hoping to find on Clubhouse?
    A specific guest or a specific specialist on a topic.

  4. Questions that you have about Clubhouse?

  5. Future topic networking and brainstorming session.

Clubhouse Tips & Tricks

Pinging someone into the room:

What does it mean to “ping” someone into a room? When you are in a room, listening to great conversation, and you want to invite a friend - you simply tap the + sign at the bottom right of the screen and it will open up a search thread.

Searching keywords & emojis:

When utilizing the search bar, either to ping someone into a room or to search the app for people or Clubs to follow or join respectively, you can not only search a specific name, you can also search a keyword (ex: equestrian, farmer). Something to note, emojis are prevalent on Clubhouse for a reason: they are considered a search word. For example, if I put a dog in the search bar to ping someone into a room, any person that follows me with a dog emoji will appear for me to automatically ping. This is similar to the emoji filtering option on Snapchat!

Profile Description Tips

“Since I am trying to figure all of this out and who I am, one who tends to be a complete open book my profile shows that. Business wise, it’s great to hone your message and be on Clubhouse with some intentionality. There are so many circles and facets of who I am.” (Crystal Hansen)

  1. Intentional Clubhouse Bios based on the room you’re currently active in.
    A great way to be intentional in each sector or area of expertise is to provide a specific additional bio that you can switch between to utilize depending on what room you are currently involved with. By utilizing the note app in your phone you can shape your profile by copying and pasting a pre-made statement about that sphere or topic into your Clubhouse profile. Through the notes you can create your main profile, with emoji’s, different fonts, and then once you hone your message and generic profile, you can make another group of profile-additions to shape to the next audience that you speak into.

  2. Intentional Clubhouse profile picture, based on the room you’re currently active in.
    In your photos section on your phone, you can create an album titled “Clubhouse” where you can curate a collection of photos to be used as your profile. You can switch that profile photo in and out quickly on your Clubhouse profile depending on the room you are in. For example, you can have a photo of you podcasting to use when you are in a podcasting or media room, a photo of you with your horse for the Equestrian Connect rooms, and a photo of you with a chicken for farming, ranching or homesteading rooms.

  3. Invite me to speak about list curation at the bottom of your profile.
    One of the beauty’s of Clubhouse is the opportunity to be a panelist and assist in moderating. As you gain in traction on the app, it is wise to have a list of topics that you would feel comfortable being invited to speak on. This is a great way to build network and connections for future collaborations both within and outside of Clubhouse.

Imposter syndrome has no space on Clubhouse - speak on what you want to speak! You have the authority! Leave that fear at the door - there is a reason that Clubhouse has you register as who you are and not as a business so that you can authentically own who you are. What you bring are your insights and experiences, and you are absolutely an expert at your own insights and experiences and your unique way of viewing the world. Walk confidently in the light of who you are and who you are meant to be! You are going to get so much out of this app!

Own who you are, be okay with it, and speak to it in truth and in love - that is where you are your most authentic self. There is power in authenticity and connection in authenticity. ~ Crystal Hansen

What is the power of Clubhouse with podcasts?

As a podcaster or entrepreneur, you wear 40 million hats and you may have hesitation to jump in and fashion another hat. It can be incredibly overwhelming or you can take a step back to not be so close to each and every one of those and then strategize how to re-purpose content across the board.

Katie Schrock, co-host, founder and producer of the That Western Life podcast shared her Clubhouse and podcast strategy with everyone in the group. To set up a podcast coaching call with Katie, you can contact her at the button above!

Inviting Friends without Using Invites

When you sign up for Clubhouse, you will get an automatic link to invite one friend to podcast. There is a way to let your friends in through the side door, however. If you have that person’s cell phone number in your phone’s address book, you will be notified when they sign up for the app and reserve their handle. From there, you can quickly usher them into the app through the notification that you will receive on your Clubhouse app. This will not take away your invite and allow you to save it for another time!

Moderators vs. Speakers

Moderators are the individuals speaking within a room with a green asterisk. Keep in mind that the free asterisk is not parallel to the blue checkmark on other social media platforms. The moderator that started the group will be the top left profile. Those speaking but not in the green asterisk realm have been invited up from the audience to speak. You can read more about it in a previous article here.

Resetting a room

If you are moderating a room, make sure to “reset the room” to let new arrivals know what the room focus is on and who you are. When you do that, encourage people to raise their hands with questions, invite new people to speak and ask them to introduce themselves, manage your current speakers and move some back down to the audience, and encourage those in the room to pull down as well. The purpose for this is that it resets the algorithm to know that the group is thriving, active and popular - it will encourage and notify new people to join the room as well!

Microphone Flashing

When you are a speaker, the microphone is the only way that you can have any sort of engagement outside of speaking. Moderators may use the “Flash the Microphone” button to encourage other speakers to turn their microphone on and off to show that they understand a concept or agree on a topic. The other way that you can use the microphone to engage is to flash the microphone button as a way of snapping your fingers or clapping your hands to show your support.


Clubs to Follow

Female Farmers Unite

People to Follow

Katie Schrock (@ktschr0ck)
Crystal Hansen (@thecrystalgrace)
Michelle Fox (@michelleefox)


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