Ag Podcasters - Network & Connect Over Coffee (Feb. 1, 2021)

Ag Podcasters
Network & Connect Over Coffee

February 1, 2021 at 9:00 am pst

Welcome all the podcasters in the western lifestyle We are going to chat favorite podcasts, best episodes ad the love of farming and ranching! This is a great opportunity to discuss Clubhouse/Podcast strategies, tips for your podcast growth and collaborations with other podcasters in the space!

Podcasting and clubhouse have been great for networking, learning about other people and why they do the things that they do. The skill of always learning isn’t something that everyone has experience in. Mentorship and mentoring is something that can be slacking in agriculture; Cornbelt Cadence is a great way! The ag podcast is a great way to go! (30 episodes)

I attribute most of my success from growing up in a small rural town, even though I wasn’t a farmer or rancher. That little town poured into me and I want to do that for another girl or a whole bunch of girls or kids. Thursday, Feb. 4th from 6:00 pm to 7:00 pm. Small Town Big Hearts; A place for folks who live in a small town or want to live in a small town, let’s create beautiful and creative small town rural life.
I want to connect people who live in or near small towns, or want to be. I want to use art to increase creative skills.

Advice for someone new or who is just starting.

  1. Start listening to podcasts yourself.

  2. Make a plan and stick to it; most any of the options out there for hosting or organization will work - you just have to stick with it!

  3. Do it as cheaply as possible because, if you change your mind, then you won’t be out of a lot of money. And we aren’t saying “make it cheap” we are saying, “do it in a way to not lose money.” Don’t buy fancy microphones or equipment when you are starting out, use them as motivators of when you hit a goal!

  4. Audio is King - Make sure to listen back to your podcast.

  5. Free resources:

    1. Anchor fm.
      You can record your post right there, add in music and it will automatically be pushed through all the platforms that you need it to go through.

    2. The cool part about anchor, we could hop on the app at the same time and invite each other and record our podcasts across the app which worked better than zoom.

    3. Look at resources outside of the western and ag community. We all know how to be agriculturalists, but we don’t know how to run podcasts. We need to reach out to people in the podcast industry to be great podcasters.

How do you keep yourself going past the formidable 10 episodes?

  • Utilize lengthy posts you’ve made on social media, blogs or community groups. Read them with spunk, put some energy in and add some fluff. The first few episodes weren’t intended for Kacee to be episodes, so she went for it.

  • Keep it to a length, such as 15 minutes or what length you listen to.

  • Batchwork: When you are in the zone and can get it all out, that’s the way to get it out. Have six to ten episodes in the can before it’s out! That way you don’t have the “have to create content” part of it. Scheduling that out leaves room for creativity because you aren’t pushed to the point of you have to do it right now.

  • Some of the things to do are to dump every idea in your brain, make a huge list and dump out every single idea you have for an episode and then group them together.

  • Creating series or campaigns of like episodes that you can produce together.

Show Assets: Starting podcasts, graphics, and intro/outro:

  • Research the names that are already in the space to find what’s available or what is the trend.

  • Creating visual assets, know that it has to be scaleable, recognizable and grab people’s attention.

  • Intro/Outro; Looking through royalty free music, sit and listen to it and see what vibes the best with the mood you want.

  • You can also hire through Fiverr or the Music Radio Creative.

  • You also DON’T need all of that when you want to start! They can be goals that you want to get too!

What kind of platforms used?

  • Podbean

  • Anchor fm

  • Libsyn

Podcasts to Listen Too:

  • Rural Round Down podcast with Brenna Ramsden

  • The Corn Belt Cadence with Kacee Beam

  • That Western Life with Katie Schrock & Rachel Owens-Sarno

Upcoming Podcast:

  • Garden Kickback

Podcast Resources

  • Pat Flynn with the Smart Passive Income

  • Jenna Kutcher & the Goal Digger Podcast

  • Amy Porterfield and her Online Marketing Made Easy Podcast

Make sure to join us every Monday at 9:00 am PST to chat podcasting tips and tricks plus fellow agriculture and western life related podcasting gurus!