#FarmerFriday - Ask a farmer or rancher ANYTHING! (01/29/2021)

Ask a farmer or rancher ANYTHING!

January 29, 2021

Here’s your chance to ask a farmer or rancher ANYTHING! Happening every Friday!
Rules: Positive mindsets only, open minds, and networking collaborations!

Regenerative Agriculture

The first question was “who is doing regenerative agriculture?” This brought forth great conversation what each person is doing on their farm.


Three holes. The first is where you’re ready to go, second is in the middle, and the third is where you are going.

Urban Regenerative

Building with a small 1.2 acres. and creating black soil over sand, trees and an an annual garden. John Kemps and Regenerative Agriculture podcast a lot. I would love to work on bigger pieces of property and transform them into little conservation areas and production areas.

Permaculture Design

Joshua joined us and is a permaculture designer who helps with mainframe or mindset of looking at creating a more sustainable and resilient solution.

What impacts your buying as a consumer?

Vitality & happy meat!

It’s important to eat meat that is heathy and full of life! Knowing that your food is cared for and that it lived a high quality of life is the most important.

I don’t always look organic, but I look farmer’s market first! I will buy pasture raised before organic. Buying local as possible. Organic can often times come as a gimmick but talking with a grower or raiser is it a great way to converse.

Eating with the season - buy what is growing near you because it’s going to be the most transparent of them all.

Popcorn Round

  1. I get lots of questions on how to get rid of pests; I encourage diverse growing.

  2. When I had poultry like ducks and turkeys, they would ask me about the taste of green chicken eggs or duck eggs, but my question was that the duck eggs can taste different if they are in a pond but if they are with the chickens - they taste better and are more nutritious!

  3. I get the question all of that time, first in San Francisco and Humboldt and originally from Brazil, I get questions of “aren’t you bored” in the middle of nowhere? I have miles of fence, 23 chickens, there is never time to be bored. People think that farms are boring - it’s not, it’s hard hard work!

  4. I often get “what kind of dog is that?” in regards to our livestock protection dogs in which people will drive to the house to ask about what they are. They always want to have one and so it’s an easy one to answer!