Ag Podcasters - Starting a Podcast

Ag Podcasters
Starting a Podcast

Monday, February 15, 2021

A 30-minute power conversation over coffee covering everyone you need to know to get that Ag podcast rooted and off the ground! Join us on Clubhouse!

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Katie Schrock, That Western Life | Janice Person, Grounded by the Farm | Jason Medows, Ag State of Mind | Kacee Bohle, Cornbelt Cadence

Naming Your Podcast
What to name it so you don’t get pigeon holed

Depending on what you do for branding and marketing as a whole, whether it’s for a business brand or your own personal show. Keep your title simple and catchy, with no doubt of what it the content of your show will surround.

Don’t forget about the “also listened too” marketing that we talked about in last weeks Ag Podcaster room on Clubhouse. Titles of your podcast won’t show up for Search Engine Optimization or Keywords, but the title of episodes and the description of your show will.

Standing Out From the Crowd

There are a plethora of other ag podcasts and brands out there, how do you recommend standing out and be unique.

Make your pond smaller. Don’t worry about what the biggest name in your industry is doing both in podcasting and in life. Focus on being the best that you can be and “shrink your ocean,” as Katie Schrock says. Try to be the best ag podcaster in your zip code, then in your county, state, region, etc. Start in palatable chunks that you can accomplish and move forward from there, one pond size at a time until you make the ocean!

Growth & Networking Opportunities

As you are podcasting, no matter if you are retired, a business professional, entrepreneur, or a college student, you will have the amazing opportunity to network and learn from your guests and topics. This is a beautiful journey that many people in your tribe will also grow with you and also those who are drawn to you by similar life stories and ways of thinking.

Will I Just Be Adding Noise?

At first, you can be hesitant about starting a podcast because you don’t want to add to noise. Sometimes you can take your lengthy posts and put them into a podcast. Don’t beat yourself up when you see something. We all get to have a voice, we concern ourselves way too much with what everybody else is doing, instead of focusing on what we need to do. That is how you make it authentic, genuine and real. You have these concerns but don’t let them take you down.

What you have to say is important to the people that have to relate to you. If people can’t relate, it’s because you aren’t their type of person. Your tribe will relate to you specifically. Don’t copy someone else’s podcast format or type, create a podcast that is different.

Rebooting An Old Podcast

Used to have a podcast, stopped in 2017 and I’m toying with the idea of getting back into it.

Has a lot changed in the podcasting world? Not really! Whether rebooting your old podcast if you are still getting downloads by simply rebranding and taking off again or just starting a new show, there are definitely ways to bring your idea back. Podcasts are a great way to build a brand and credibility with your own line of products.

If you have a great Facebook Live talent skillset, also go Live on YouTube utilizing a platform like BeLive that will automatically post your live on both platforms at the same time. YouTube has great searchability, which would be great for those whose listener demographics are more commonly on YouTube than social media or podcasting.

Use of a virtual assistant (VA) can be a great way for someone who doesn’t have additional bandwidth to do more - especially for those that are consistently creating Facebook Live or YouTube Live content already. A VA would be able to take old content and repurpose it into the podcasting world, as well as repurpose your current content in a variety of ways. Join us in in two Ag Podcaster chat rooms away on Clubhouse or two next in our Ag Podcaster blog series as we are going to dive deeper into this topic there.

Don’t Underestimate the Impact of a Listener

One podcast listener has more force than a single follow on a social media platform. Katie shares that her podcast could go one month without posting on social media and they wouldn’t hear a thing from their followers, but if they miss a week of uploading a podcast - they immediately will have messages asking when it’s coming out. Podcast fan listeners are dedicated and loyal, they understand expressly who you are and your journey and they are there for it.

Even if you are looking revitalizing a podcast, we definitely recommend checking into those hosting numbers and statistics to see what your downloads may have been, you would be surprised at how many downloads may still be happening years later!

BingeListening Is An Asset

Repurpose what you are doing and then test to see how it is going to go. People will binge-listen to podcasts and Facebook doesn’t make it easy for them to binge all your Facebook lives. It doesn't make it as easy for people to search the content and find it. Sometimes you just have to start it and eventually the listens will come, even if they don’t come at the beginning. Podcasts are great, it’s very easy to binge listen to them, and, another thing, they are there for forever! iTunes limits the number in your feed at a given time but people can always find them on your website as well.

Batchworking and Being Disciplined

Insights from Janice: I produce two at a time and do every other week. I am trying to build a different audience than the footprint that is paying me. I produce them and give them to my editor and I try to plan it in advance. Some topics that you are thinking about now, there’s a great opportunity to talk about it.

Starting a Podcast

Once you have it going, is it time consuming to do it yourself or is it better to outsource?

Insights from Jason: As Ag Podcasters, it’s likely not the only thing that we do, it’s honestly probably one of the smaller things but that doesn’t mean we don’t want it to have impact. Jason shares that he outsourced at the beginning because he knew he didn’t take the time to do it. Also tap into your network to see who would be able to freelance around it. I wouldn't have a podcast if I didn’t have that kind of outsourcing capabilities. You’d be surprised at how easy it is to find someone, but his son has started doing it.

If you are going to outsource your podcast editing and/or production, create a style guide first so that you can clearly communicate what you want your final product to look like.

You can also harness a teenager in your house for a job for them, as well as other teens in your community that are looking to grow and learn.

Future Ag Podcaster Room Topics:

New to Clubhouse and been difficult for me to find my people. I am interested to know how to really get started with podcast and build your brand here and build it here when it isn’t represented. - Make sure to join our Welcome To Clubhouse - Farmer & Rancher Connect rooms on Wednesday at 9:00 am pst. You must be following @KtSchr0ck to see it and if you click the “bell” notification symbol, you will be notified when these rooms are created and when they go live!

A good episode would be on suggestions on repurposing what you already have - more ideas on how to use content that you already have out there and how to share to podcasting and YouTube Live. - Scheduled! Make sure to follow @KtSchr0ck to be able to join and add the key word “Ag podcaster” or “podcaster” to your handle to be pinged by Katie when the room starts!